Thank you to everyone who has supported us this past year! Despite all of the challenges of 2020, your generosity allowed Big Fish Ministries to help dozens of broken and addicted people find freedom through Christ. The men and women we serve received Christ-centered healing and transformation through recovery classes, educational assistance, Biblical counseling, life and job skills training, case management, legal advocacy, Bible teaching, and more.

We also launched an outpatient program to help broken individuals break free from the burden of addiction and experience true freedom through Christ. Countless individual and group therapy sessions have been held incorporating the principles of trauma-informed care within a Biblical context.

Our work this year also included partnering with other local organizations to help with the recovery and restoration of our community after Hurricane Sally. We helped distribute free bags of ice, cleared debris and cut down fallen trees.

Although, we’ve had to take periodic breaks this past year as a result of the Covid-19 government restrictions, our weekly GRO community recovery services continue to bring hope to the hopeless. Each Friday at 6 p.m., residents, their families, and other members of our community gather together at Faith Tabernacle Church in Foley, AL for food, fellowship, and a message.

The need for Christ-centered recovery services continues to grow and we need your help to meet this increasing need within our community. Please prayerfully consider including making a donation to help us start 2021 strong.


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