Get involved to impact

recovering men & women,

their families, & our community.

There’s more than one way to get involved at Big Fish Ministries. Bring a meal, serve as a volunteer at one of our two thrift store locations, or participate in our Stock the Shelves program.

Don’t see anything that fits how you want to serve? Contact us to talk more about how you want to make a difference.

Prepare Meals

Food for our residents is a big part of our ministry budget. Sign up to bless the men and women receiving our life-changing, Christ-centered services once or on a regular basis. Our greatest need is for Sunday afternoon meals.

Thrift Store Volunteers

Our thrift stores help provide the majority of the funding needed to support our faith-based men’s and women’s recovery programs. Services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Thrift store volunteers are essential for the efficient, ongoing operation of our two thrift store locations (South and North Foley, Alabama).

Stock the Shelves Program

We do not charge our students for the services we provide. We cover the cost of housing, household goods, meals, hygiene items, clothing, and many medications. The Stock the Shelves program helps provide the basic items needed for the day-to-day operations of our residential programs.

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