Big Fish graduate Dennis was removed from his home and began living on his own when he was only 15. With this experience came feelings of loneliness and rejection, leading to anger and bitterness. By the age of thirty, Dennis was struggling with depression and started drinking heavily to cope.

After several years in rehab and five years of sobriety, he married his now-wife. While things may have been looking up, Dennis still wrestled with the underlying pain and rejection experienced as a teen. He began drinking again and Dennis found himself in a dark and angry place, jobless and losing sight of his family.

He realized that maybe he had never known Jesus the way he thought he had. Dennis felt the call for more, so he joined the Big Fish program in 2021 where he discovered a deeper purpose for sobriety.

After coming to know Jesus in a way he hadn’t before, God graciously restored Dennis’s job, family and sobriety. Dennis is now experiencing true freedom; freedom that can only be found in Christ!

“When we make our most foolish decisions and desperate attempts at life, there’s always a way He will restore.

My life has been completely transformed. I am a new creation.”

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

Listen to Dennis’s full story of freedom and restoration! If you or someone you care for needs help, we’re here for you. Visit the Get Help page of our website today to learn more about the freedom available through Christ and Christ alone.

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